Solving the Lane-Emden equation
Let's compute some numerical solutions to the Lane-Embden equation. A good reference which was used in the development of this exercise is the book by [Hansen2004].
using Plots
using LaTeXStrings
By defining the variables $y=dw/dz$, the Lane-Emden equation can be written as two first-order differential equations:
\[w' = y\]
\[y' = -w^n -\frac{2}{z}y.\]
To numerically solve a continuous differential equation with a computer we need to rely on a discretization. For example, if we evaluate $z$ in discrete steps enumerated by $i$ with a spacing $\Delta z$, we have that:
\[z_i = i\Delta z.\]
In terms of this discretization, the pair of differential equations above can be approximated as:
\[\frac{w_{i+1}-w_i}{\Delta z}=y_i\]
\[\frac{w_{i+1}-w_i}{\Delta z}=-w_i^n - \frac{2}{z} y_i.\]
This is known as the Euler method, and it lets us compute the values at cell $i+1$ once we know the value at cell $i$. To integrate these equations we will instead use a more precise method known as a fourth-order Runge-Kutta solver. The values at cell $i+1$ are obtained in this method as
\[w_{i+1} = w_i +\frac{k_1}{6}+\frac{k_2}{3}+\frac{k_3}{3}+\frac{k_4}{6}\]
\[y_{i+1} = y_i +\frac{l_1}{6}+\frac{l_2}{3}+\frac{l_3}{3}+\frac{l_4}{6},\]
\[k_1 = \Delta z\times w'(z_i,w_i,y_i)\]
\[l_1 = \Delta z\times y'(z_i,w_i,y_i)\]
\[k_2 = \Delta z\times w'(z_i+\Delta z/2,w_i+k_1/2,y_i+l_1/2)\]
\[l_2 = \Delta z\times y'(z_i+\Delta z/2,w_i+k_1/2,y_i+l_1/2)\]
\[k_3 = \Delta z\times w'(z_i+\Delta z/2,w_i+k_2/2,y_i+l_2/2)\]
\[l_3 = \Delta z\times y'(z_i+\Delta z/2,w_i+k_2/2,y_i+l_2/2)\]
\[k_4 = \Delta z\times w'(z_i+\Delta z,w_i+k_3,y_i+l_3)\]
\[l_4 = \Delta z\times y'(z_i+\Delta z,w_i+k_3,y_i+l_3).\]
The objective is then to start from the center of the star and integrate outwards until we reach the first zero of $y$, which represents the stellar surface. One complication however is that the differential equation for $y'$ is undefined at the center $(x=0)$. This can be circumvented by using a series approximation near the center, which is straightforward to derive using the boundary conditions:
\[w(z)=1-\frac{1}{6}z^2 +\frac{n}{120}z^4 -\frac{n(8n-5)}{15120}z^6+\mathcal{O}(z^8).\]
In the code cell below we define the differential equations as well as a method to do a single Runge-Kutta step, which returns a tuple with the new $(y,z)$ values in the following cell. We also define the function that approximates $y$ and $z$ for small $\xi$.
dwdz(z,w,y,n) = y
dydz(z,w,y,n) = -w^n-2*y/z
function RK_step(z,w,y,n,Δz)
k₁ = Δz*dwdz(z,w,y,n)
l₁ = Δz*dydz(z,w,y,n)
k₂ = Δz*dwdz(z+Δz/2,w+k₁/2,y+l₁/2,n)
l₂ = Δz*dydz(z+Δz/2,w+k₁/2,y+l₁/2,n)
k₃ = Δz*dwdz(z+Δz/2,w+k₂/2,y+l₂/2,n)
l₃ = Δz*dydz(z+Δz/2,w+k₂/2,y+l₂/2,n)
k₄ = Δz*dwdz(z+Δz,w+k₃,y+l₃,n)
l₄ = Δz*dydz(z+Δz,w+k₃,y+l₃,n)
return (
w_smallz(z,n) = 1 - 1/6*z^2 + n/120*z^4 -n*(8*n-5)/1520*z^6
y_smallz(z,n) = - 1/3*z + n/30*z^3 -3*n*(8*n-5)/760*z^5
y_smallz (generic function with 1 method)
Now we will integrate these equations. We start at a small of $z$ and integrate the equations until $z=20$ (hoping we find a zero by then). Below we do this for $n=1$
#setup grid in z
Δz = 1e-4
n = 1
nsteps = 200_000
zvals = LinRange(Δz,Δz*nsteps,nsteps)
#initialize first value of w and y using series approximation
wvals = zeros(nsteps);yvals = zeros(nsteps)
wvals[1] = w_smallz(Δz, n)
yvals[1] = y_smallz(Δz, n)
#Perform the Runge-Kutta integration
for i in 2:nsteps
next_values = RK_step(zvals[i-1], wvals[i-1], yvals[i-1], n, Δz)
wvals[i] = next_values[1]
yvals[i] = next_values[2]
plot(xlabel=L"$z$", ylabel=L"$w$");
#plot!(xvals, 1 .- xvals.^2 ./ 6,label="Analytical") #solution for n=0
plot!(zvals, sin.(zvals)./zvals, linewidth=4,label="Analytical"); #solution for n=1
#plot!(xvals, 1 ./ sqrt.(1 .+ xvals.^2 ./3),label="Analytical") #solution for n=5
plot!(zvals, wvals, linewidth=6, linestyle=:dash,label="Numerical")
To compute the ratio of central density to average density, we define a function to performs this integration for arbitrary $n$ and looks for the first point where $w=0$, which gives $z_1$ that corresponds to the surface.
function rhoc_div_rho_avg(n)
#setup grid in z
Δz = 1e-4
nsteps = 200_000
zvals = LinRange(Δz,Δz*nsteps,nsteps)
#initialize first value of w and y using series approximation
wvals = zeros(nsteps);yvals = zeros(nsteps)
wvals[1] = w_smallz(Δz, n)
yvals[1] = y_smallz(Δz, n)
#Perform the Runge-Kutta integration
for i in 2:nsteps
next_values = RK_step(zvals[i-1], wvals[i-1], yvals[i-1], n, Δz)
wvals[i] = next_values[1]
yvals[i] = next_values[2]
if wvals[i] < 0
return 1/3*(-zvals[i]/yvals[i])
print("Error, did not find zero for n=$n")
nvals = [0,1,2,3,4]
rhoc_div_rho_avg_vals = rhoc_div_rho_avg.(nvals)
plot(xlabel=L"$n$", ylabel=L"$\rho_\mathrm{c}/\langle \rho \rangle$", yscale=:log)
plot!(nvals, rhoc_div_rho_avg_vals, linewidth=4,label="")
We see that the higher the polytropic index is, the more concentrated the star is.
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- Hansen2004Stellar interiors : physical principles, structure, and evolution, 2nd ed., by C.J. Hansen, S.D. Kawaler, and V. Trimble. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2004.